Data Analysis and Conclusion


            Initial observations would suggest a fair approximation of the surface of the water by both the set of calculations with and without surface tension.  All three curves in each graph comparing the two sets of calculations and the experimental data follow the same parabolic-like path for all nine trials.  There are, however, some trends that deserve closer attention. 

First, the percent error is less around the axis of rotation than the sides.  This suggests that perhaps the experimental data is not as accurate toward the outer edges of the water.  The rotational velocity was relatively constant but still had a standard deviation of about 50 degrees per second, which is significant. The disc may have exhibited a tendency to change in velocity after adjustment of the sticks on one side, so the data may be biased to that side. Also, using pickup sticks and eyeballing where it touches the water means that the measurements may not be accurate to more than an eighth of an inch.  This phenomenon may also have arisen becuase the estimate for the surface tension is done with a six degree Taylor's series approximation. Such an approximation is more accurate near the initial condition (the axis of rotation) than farther away.

            Second, there are obvious discrepancies between the theoretical values calculated using the derived formulae with and without surface tension.  This may be because the surface tension values are approximated and involve the data collected at the lowest point of the curve. The experimental data were used to derive the initial conditions, and since the data may or may not be accurate, the predicted values differ.  Furthermore, since the surface tension formula is approximated using a power series, it will not yield the same values that the original formula would, so there is some approximation error.

            In conclusion, although the calculations derived to model the shape of the spinning water provide a rough approximation of the actual shape, there exist both mathematical and experimental discrepancies that upset the precision of these calculations.